Wonder helps to put our place in the world into perspective. It not only allows us to see beauty in a crabapple; it reminds us that we are finite and that we are a part of something much greater than our ability to comprehend it.
An outcrop of Marble in Karelia, Russia. White mineral is calcite, dark-colored streaks are composed of graphite.
The Veiled Lady, made from marble around 1860 by Raffaelle Monti, is now in the collection of the Minneapolis Institute of Art.
Michelangelo said, "Every block of stone has a statue inside it, and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it."
Could he have created the incredible art he made without a genuine sense of wonder?
Basic Fun Facts About Michelangelo's David
The Measure of Genius: Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel at 500
Go through your week looking for the wonder in the everyday.
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