My Kind of Resolution
As I enter the new year, I avoid the obvious fitness and clean eating resolutions. Of course, they are important, but I'd rather focus on connection, wonder, and creativity, as these are what really feed my soul and make me feel alive. I usually think about relationships I'd like to foster, places I'd love to visit, and restaurants I want to try. I am adding a few things you may want to consider this year, too!
1. Experiment with a new medium. Last year, it was felting. I'm considering setting up a printmaking studio this year and trying glass in March!
2. Create a visual journal. I'm thinking of one sketch or mini-painting per day in the spirit of a sentence a day. I'm heading to the art store today to pick up my sketchbook!
3. Attend workshops, tours, and classes-
Organizing events with Wonder Mob creates a lively learning environment for me and the Mobsters. These events include hands-on experiences, workshops, and discussions. Participants deepen their understanding of art topics and explore their interests practically. Don't forget to join us online for A Month of Wonder starting today!
4. Embrace Artistic Collaboration- I'd like to set up a sketchbook exchange at the Wonder Mob. LMK if you would be interested!
5. Visit public art in a new city- This one is a no-brainer. Public art is my passion! Please share your favorites with me!
6. Interview working artists- Do you know of someone fellow mobsters may want to learn about? Shoot me a message!
What are your creative aspirations for the new year?
Yours in wonder,
Sign up for in-person mindfulness and painting workshops in Minneapolis, MN, in January! Registration is still open, but space is limited.
Join Wonder Mob, a community of ‘wonderers’ like you! Now, we are offering events and classes to foster your sense of wonder!
#CreativeAspirations #NewYearGoals #ConnectionWonderCreativity