Halloween is a perfect time to get creative!
Picasso’s ‘Les Demoiselles D’Avignon’ is an Iconic Cubist creation. Recreating this piece was so much fun because it cut up the ideas of traditional beauty and made room for a more unusual vision of reality to come through. Traditionally symmetry, balance, and correct proportions drove most art before Picasso. He paved the way for a completely nü idea of reality to come through. Laüra Hollick
Check out these art-inspired costumes! Which is the most unique or clever?
What are you going to be for Halloween? (Or if you did, what would you be?)
Do you prefer clever, cute, or frightening costumes?
The sexy outfits grate on me. Do you think there’s something about trying on a different persona that appeals?
What was your all-time favorite costume, and why?
When I was a kid, we ALWAYS made our costumes. The excitement and creativity of Halloween engaged the whole family.
Create a costume using thrift shop finds and stuff from your craft bin.
Carve a pumpkin! (Pumpkin Carving Hacks)
Try dressing differently (dress up, add some flair) for a day. How does it make you feel? How does your appearance change how you see yourself and how others perceive you?
About Laüra Hollick
Laüra Hollick is an award-winning artist, creative thinker, and visionary guide.
After walking 10,000 km on a vision quest, Laüra clarified her purpose and dove into realizing it. She founded Soul Art Studio Inc., a business devoted to circulating love around the planet with creative inspiration.
Laüra’s art and insights inspire audiences around the world with her Global Art Events like International Soul Art Day, Yoni Art Fest, and Global Vision Quest.
BRAVO TV created a documentary about Laüra’s art and life called ‘The Artist’s Life: Laüra Hollick’. Laura hosted and produced over 500 radio shows for 93.3 FM CFMU called “The Artist’s Lifestyle.” Laura led a TEDx talk called “You are the Art.”
Laüra started her art studies at the Dundas Valley School of Art and completed an Honors Fine Arts Degree from McMaster University. She developed a series of creative processes that are taught to people around the world through Soul Art Certification, and Yoni Art Certification.
Laüra continues to develop new creative ideas and processes through Soul Art School.
Some of Laüra’s most recognized work is the embodiment imagery she creates with photographer Kevin Thom. This creative duo travels around the world exploring wild spaces to capture beauty and embody essence on Earth. They recently had a solo exhibit at Musea entitled “Dream a nü Dream.” laurahollick.com
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