Moments of Clarity, Fredrik Tjærandsen
Moments of Clarity is a series of balloon-like dresses that are deflated mid-runway. The collection went viral online. “It was my vision executed to the fullest,” Tjærandsen recalls. Each bubble is made from roughly 5 yards of natural rubber. “The company I work with sources the rubber from Sri Lanka, working with local rubber growers, and the pieces are made as much as possible from plants,” Tjærandsen says.
“I would like to keep it quite ambiguous,” he says. “Maybe the moment of deflation could be interpreted as a moment of clarity.”
“Red” by F Tjærandsen. Image credit: Niall McInerney
“Red” by F Tjærandsen. Image credit: Niall McInerney
Photo, R: Niall McInerney
Photo: Niall McInerney
Another model wore a black rubber outfit with two giant inflated banana-shaped sleeves that skimmed the crowd as he walked the runway.
Many colorful balloons were self-deflated from within during the show, transforming into bulbous dresses and skirts. A simple valve allows the wearer to release the air pressure and dive out of the top of the balloon when they choose. (Dezeen)
Is fashion a work of art or purely functional?
Here’s how people responded after seeing Tjærandsen’s work:
“Hilarious, forward-thinking, and quite a feat of engineering.” -Staci Bernstein
“Pushing the boundaries of what was previously possible. Art at its finest.” -Joey Bevilacqua
“This is hilarious.” -Imogen
“Anyone who says no one would wear this etc., fashion like this is art... It’s not to wear. It’s like going to a gallery and seeing an exhibition.” -Dollz Dreams.
Leave a comment now to let us know what YOU think.
“It was a craft that I had to teach myself. I’ve really tried to push the material to the limits in terms of the draping and the stretching.” -Fredrik Tjærandsen
Look around you. What material might push the boundaries in fashion design/art? Sketch a plan for a gown made from this material.
I know you want to see more, so… Watch this!
Peek at more of Tjærandsen’s rubbery designs on Instagram.
About Fredrik Tjaerandsen
Fredrik Tjærandsen is a visual artist and designer from Bodø, Norway. He studied Fashion at Central Saint Martins, graduating with a First Class BA (Hons) in May 2019, and received a Les Visionnaire scholarship. While studying, he worked at top design houses, Louis Vuitton and Balenciaga in Paris.
In 2019, student Fredrik Tjaerandsen (BA FashionWomenswear, CSM) showcased The Bubbles as his final degree show. The collection was captivating, inspired by Tjaerandsen’s childhood memories, and part of an experimental process.
Overnight he gained 80,000 social media followers (and counting), and within days he was the name on everyone’s lips, from A-listers to industry heavyweights. (The Exchange Blog)
“I was inspired by my own early childhood memories. I wanted to recreate the fogginess and the ‘mist’ of the memories themselves,” Tjærandsen tells Vogue. “The inflated bubbles are about being able to wear an unclear memory. When the bubble emerges onto the catwalk, it’s the dream. The deflation of the bubble visualizes the moment when we realize we have a consciousness.”
Follow on Instagram: fredriktjaerandsen
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